Dear Diary

invariably unhinged

In hindsight I should have named this blog ‘the quiet lunatic’, because the degree of my radicalism varies depending on the subject and on whom you ask, but the degree of my lunacy doesn’t. I mean, obviously there are worse cases. I’m lucid, for one. Quite self-controlled (and self-assured), for another.

And something’s telling me that amidst all the posts gently alluding to me not being fully right in the head, I should note that in no way do I glamourise mental disorders or illnesses. Silver linings, yeah, sure, but were I not medicated, I wouldn’t be here now writing this post. And my “case”, as one could call it, is really not all that bad. Pretty mid, tbh. So no, I’m not glamourising. But in the words of cliches, we’re all fighting difficult battles, and talking the talk that I talk and walking the walk that I walk is one way of not losing mine.

Maybe once I really lose it, this shit’ll help the professionals to bring me back somewhat. That is, if I see the signs and tell someone where to find the narrative.


I celebrated first Christmas by catching a cold and staying in bed. One ought to build traditions in my age, and it looks like this is becoming mine. Last year I got violently feverish on New Year’s Eve and spent the entirety of my hard earned PTO trying to tell up from down. I needed a vacation from that vacation. *badumtss* This one’s not so much hard as it is annoying. And I’m not off, I’m working from home. But it’s the end of the year, and the industry’s dead, or at least the segment I’m in. I’m not worried. It will be back screaming come first week of January.

Suddenly I feel very sleepy, which is an undeniable plus of having a respiratory infection, so I shall drag my weary carcass to bed.


this is because i’m a libra, i’m sure

After a long pause I’m slowly getting back into language study. I’ve always been interested in languages, human and machine alike, but lately coding has been driving me nuts, so I gave up on the idea of progressing there. Maybe once I’m senile and can no longer remember the stress that follows I’ll pick them up again, but for now I’m done with the exception of some very occasional CSS here and there. Anyway.

As we have established by now, I lack patience, and I struggle with focus when I am bored. So my current tuned down list of languages I want to know, like, right now, consists of 8. Which even I understand is a lot to be processing at the same time. I do 3 to 4 (with a very occasional 5) at work at the same time, and the closer I get to full time 4, the madder (as in angrier and more impatient and in need of dopamine) I am by the end of the day.

Some of the languages are similar. Two of them I already speak, but I’m looking to expand my vocab even more and make my overall usage more active. Maybe finally take them to a higher C1 – or, dare I say, C2. Three of the languages have similar grammar, but vastly different scripts and vocabs. None of them have any particular urgency. Two of them are “dead”.

Ramble and Schedule

So I have been trying to put down a schedule that would allow me to focus on all of them in equal measure throughout the month without actually going on a homicidal spree in the process. My Ideal Schedule looked like this:

  • Week 1 – SG + 1 Duo lesson or 2min quick review of some vocab/ grammar in the other 6
  • Week 2 – JR + review of 6
  • Week 3 – KL + review of 6
  • Week 4 – TY + review of 6

Or any order of the weeks, really, as long as they’re in specified pairing. I apologise for the slight self-censorship, I just hate saying that I’m learning something when in reality my sk1llz are too weak to be taken into any kind of consideration. The stated A0 level so prevalent in language learning communities is not a level, it’s wishful thinking and ego stroking. There, I said it.

Week 1 – Spanish and German. I can pair these, because my Spanish is mostly maintenance and improvement, and my German, while weak, is still at a level that permits parallel study.

Week 2 – Japanese and Romanian. Again I can pair these easily, because my Romanian is also in the ‘maintain and improve’ category, and while I’ve lost most of my Japanese due to limited exposure, I’m still familiar enough with it for parallel study. I also have some text- and workbooks with Romanian-Japanese pairing, and some previous experience in learning Japanese through Romanian.

Week 3 – Latin and Korean. Korean is ridiculously weak, I’m only now beginning to differentiate some words in listening exercises, and I can get about 70% of the reading figured out when I’m listening to the text at the same time. And while my Latin is in beginner stages as well, the pairing works, because I already have two Romance languages under my belt, and there’s no real need for me to have active knowledge of Latin. I ain’t going to the Vatican or the seminary. I just want a better understanding of the mother language of them all.

Week 4 – my T and Y are somewhat A1-ish, but they’re still irrelevant to be namedroppin’ them here. I don’t mind pairing them together, because they’re two vastly different languages, and I’m in zero rush to learn either. It’s all just curiosity and past exposure.

And it looked intense, but was entertaining, so I persevered, but then one night my mind was zipping from wall to wall like a high level game of pong, and I made a randomizer wheel to focus on one language at a time as an experiment, and here’s what came up.

I’ve been doing only Latin this week so far, and the previous week, almost completely disregarding everything else (or trying my best to, at least).

My main focus until this week has been the course on Duo. I think the main problem with Latin on Duo is how boring it is. But I shall persevere. I also have an ancient textbook that belonged to my grandmother, but I can’t find it in all the mess. On Sunday I found a textbook on the internets, so I’ve been doing some exercises in it. I don’t really like the structure so far, but maybe it will improve.

Latin is essentially a dead language, but nevertheless useful, since all Romance languages and half the world history are direct descendants.

While focussing on one language for 2-3 months at a time sounds like a viable plan, my brain can’t help but gather all sorts of info on other languages too, so I just don’t think it would work.  Even though I said that I would only be doing Latin for 3 months with occasional review of everything else, I’ve already poked around in Japanese, German, and Korean for longer than a quick review session. All of this makes me all the more inclined to go with my original madness of 8 at the same time.

… Or not.


Because sticking to one at a time will certainly give me speedier progress and bigger reward, and we know that I’m all about rewards around here.

I’m in no particular rush to learn any of the languages, though. Some sense of urgency may be given to Spanish (for work), German (for family), and Romanian (for environment). Everything else is either curiosity, ancestry, remote usefulness, or a salve for my soul.

Something that I would like to note is that for the first time in my life I feel intimidated by Japanese (and Korean). I’ve always been intimidated by Chinese, for example – which is why it’s not in the list right now – but Japanese I found easy (truly). It has very straightforward grammar and tonality, and I have (had..?) good memory which allowed me to absorb large amounts of vocab and kanji with ease. These days, though, I can’t even recall kana. My fear of Chinese lies mostly in it being a tonal language. I have a good ear, but my speech is naturally very flat, which can be a detriment in any language, truly, but in a tonal language it would be a whole other problem altogether. But on the other hand I’m good at copying, so as long as there’s a willing native or advanced carrier, I should be fine.

Anyway. Chinese is not on the list for now.


As mentioned above, I’m in no particular rush to learn or improve any of the languages on the list. My only guide is my impatience and a general desire to understand more. If I were to give myself some standards and assign letters and numbers to my levels, then it would be short: I want them all at C2, today.

I jest.

But not really. If I could choose a superpower, it would be immediate grasp of any language. Unfortunately I can’t just download a contextual dictionary into my head, so we’ve gots some works to do. For reference, here’s a CEFR self-assessment grid.

Say, a year from now, where do I want to be?

Spanish – no difficulty reading, writing, speaking, and listening. C1. I might give myself some leeway for writing, because lemme tell you something – not every native can write at C1 in their tongue, whichever that tongue may be. My writing fluctuates heavily between my two main languages, and there are days where my native language writing is so awful, I want to claw my eyes out. Then there are days where it flows easily, but I can’t stand my writing in English. So yes, I will give myself some leeway for that skill. If I will have a strong B2, I’ll consider it a success. Side quest: Complete 6 sections of Duo path.

German – simple and coherent text, written and spoken. Understand natives in daily conversations (shopping, travel, small small talk) with ease. Read lifestyle articles with little to no reference to dictionaries. Basically a strong B1 – beginner B2. The main reason I want to learn German is a) not to discourage my family when they speak to me – it’s natural for them to insert German in their conversations in other languages, because they live in Germany, and I don’t want to be the reason they constantly stop to explain themselves; and b) be independent when I visit them. Like if I want to find the toilet in the shopping centre or order a second cup of coffee, I don’t want to ask my bestie to do it for me. I doubt I will want to take my knowledge any further than that. Also, not necessarily a knowledge goal, but a result goal – I have some manhwa in German, and I want to finish reading these volumes, and the ones that I plan to buy to complete the series. That’s around 15 volumes total for both series, so a volume and a bit a month. I’m also eyeing some manga, but opening the Pandora’s box of manga in German will inhibit my Japanese reading practice at some point down the line, so let’s stick with manhwa only for now. (Oddly enough, not all manhwa that’s available in print in German is available in Korean. I guess it’s due to censorship.) Side quest: 3 sections of Duo path.

Japanese – work through all the text- and workbooks I have. By my estimation, this would give me a weak-ish B2. I also have an ancient (as in from the 80s) book of kanji. The total number of characters is 1850, I think, and about 880 or so are stated as essential and learnt at school by the Japanese. I believe the standards have changed since then, because the numbers that I see around these days are different, but whatever. My point is, I want to know those 800+ “school basics” characters that this book gives. Side quest: 3 sections of Duo path.

Romanian – same as Spanish. No difficulty reading, writing, speaking, and listening. I have no difficulty with listening comprehension of both media standard and colloquial, and even if there’s a word I’m not sure about, most of the time I can understand what’s being said out of context. I have no difficulty reading, at all, but I take no pleasure from that either. It’s not something that’s natural, and if a text is dense/ scientific/ legislative, it hurts my brain a bit. So in short, my passive knowledge is good. Now I need to work on the active. I’ve a visit to Romania planned soon – in 4 months, so I suppose my immediate goal would be to bring my speech up to an uninhibited B2. A year from now I want B2 writing/ C1 everything else. Side quest: Complete the Duo path. Will not consider myself a failure if I don’t.

Latin – complete the Duo path (it’s tiny, compared to others). Find a good textbook – as I was writing this post, I realised that the one I found for free sucks, so I will only use the texts in there for reading. Once textbook is found, work through … half of it? Depends on what the book will be, and how quickly I find it.

Korean – 3 sections of the Duo path. Read with ease and discern words in clear speech – note that I’m not saying “understand”, as in “know meaning of”, for either of these. I just want to be able to read easy lifestyle articles and other texts with dictionary reference and catch the meaning of about 30% of television series. So, a good A2 – beginner B1.

T – two sections of Duo path, and I’ll consider this a success.

Y – same here. Two sections of Duo path will be a success for now. It’s quite difficult to find good learning materials for this language, because it’s community-specific and not widely spoken at all. I used to have a textbook, but one of my many uni professors borrowed it and never gave it back. And it’s out of print. So unless I find the exact same textbook secondhand or scanned online, I am not quite sure where to look for materials.

Active vs. Passive

The more I think about it, the more likely it is that I will go back to my original plan of 8 language 4 week rotation, instead of a heavy focus on one language at a time. Even if I will pretend to focus on one language, I know that it’s not what’s going to happen in practice. So it’s back to 8/4.

I think I will want to differentiate days of active and passive learning for my pairs. For example, my Spanish/German week would look like:

  • Monday – Spanish active, German passive, 6 speed review/ 1 lesson duo each
  • Tuesday – German active, Spanish passive, 6 speed review/ 1 lesson duo each
  • Wednesday – Spanish active, German passive, 6 speed review/ 1 lesson duo each
  • Thursday – German active, Spanish passive, 6 speed review/ 1 lesson duo each
  • Friday – Spanish active, German passive, 6 speed review/ 1 lesson duo each
  • Saturday – German active, Spanish passive, 6 speed review/ 1 lesson duo each
  • Sunday – both passive/ microimmersion, 6 take a break/ minimal duo xp for streak

And no, I don’t particularly believe in rest days. Perhaps if I were studying for a test or adhering to a strict curriculum, rest would make sense. Since I’m doing this for pleasure, I see no point. I won’t beat myself up if I skip a Sunday, but I’m not going to prevent myself from learning on that day.


10 late bills and half a euro to my name

November has been financially hard. Why would it be, I wonder. Oh if it isn’t the result of my constant indiscretions.

But it’s nothing that you and I don’t know already.

As illogical as it sounds, to somehow mitigate the increasingly onerous weight of my financial obligations, I actually called several financial institutions to see if I can get a line of credit with them – but I can’t. Unless I go to an actual loan shark – and I don’t have such plans – I can’t borrow any more money.


But it also means that I have practically zero “variable” money left. And by “variable” I mean anything that’s not a bill or a payment. Groceries, fuel, cat food, hygiene products, medicine – anything you can think of that’s not a bill or a regular payment is a “variable” to me right now. So if I can cut something out of these variables, then I will cut something out of these variables.

Essentially what it will be is a no-spend challenge, except it’s less fun because I’m not trying to save money, I’m trying to survive on what money I have coming in. And I believe I’ve mentioned it somewhere, but I have a good amount coming in. This is not an income problem. I’m just an idiot. One can make a million and spend a million and a hundred thousand and still grasp at straws trying to make ends meet. And while I don’t make a million, my problem is still not a low wage or underemployment. Like I said. I’m just an idiot.

So most expenses will go. I will keep three of my entertainment subscriptions because I need something to keep me sane, and honestly, they are not the problem. Even after all my bills I have a decent chunk of money for Netflix, so to speak. The problem for me is random discretionary spending here and there, which I shall from now on refer to as “money littering”. Two coffees out a day, take-out breakfast/ lunch/ dinner, another notebook that I’m never going to get around to using, another book to add to my pile of literal thousands of books that I bought before and have yet to read. A new foundation, tenth nude lipstick, eight nail polishes and fifteen sheet masks because I’m like a kid in a candy store when I see these things. Three tops that I buy without trying them on because I liked the cut of them. Five cakes that I buy the next day, because none of the tops fit and I need to make myself feel better.

And all of that is peppered by me actually buying groceries with good intentions of cooking my next lunch, and then just letting them all literally rot on the counter or in the fridge. Because the cakes I ate left me exhausted and unhappy, so I decide to give myself a break and start the next day.

I am insane. My mind works, truly, but sometimes it works against me.

Here’s my plan.

I know it’s all common sense. And some of it won’t be. Some of it will be just me being too easy on myself again. Trust me. I’ve been on the other side of the screen as well, reading blogs of people who advise you to economise by sewing a button back on a shirt instead of buying a new shirt. This reads like that, I’m sure.

But here’s my plan.

1. Have a fun goal to save towards.

Mine is Foil Arms and Hog performing in one of the cities that’s close enough for me to consider a trip there, and also a tablet to increase the quality of my illustrations

2. Keep the non-fun goals at the forefront of my mind as well, but try not to dwell.

This is likely the hardest part, the not dwelling part. The non-fun goals are the obvious debt reduction, the washing machine, the bathroom reno, and an operation that I keep postponing, but really should just get done already.

3. …. ?

4. Profit.

(I jest. This is not a manifesting blog.)

3. Reduce the variable expenses by doing the following

a. hypermile. So no more speeding 120/hr over the bridge for me. Try to get a full tank at the start of the month and stick to that tank until the end of the month. After my car got switched over to stick shift it started getting amazing mileage, so it shouldn’t be an issue. I hardly drive except to and from work.

b. cook at home. I’m a good cook, and I have skills that allow me to just shop for cheapest ingredients and make palatable dishes from them. Being a big aficionado of simple/ poor folk/ peasant food – how classist of me – helps greatly. I’d rather have potato stew over something fancy nearly every day of the year. But should I desire something fancy, I likely have a cookbook with a recipe or I can google that recipe and make it at home. Unless the dish is especially delicate or fancy, I can cook it.

c. read the books I have. Technically speaking even the ones that I have as ‘currently reading‘ would be enough to keep me busy for half a year

d. pace myself with comics. I won’t drop them, they make me too happy, but I will have to read them much more slowly and be on the look-out for free points/ coins/ ink/ whatever

e. no more toys and extra treats/ snacks for cats! My children will get an allowance, just like I will. I’ll get them their cheese bits within that allowance.

f. shop around for cheaper foodstuffs

g. no-spend for beauty and hygiene. Obviously I will still wash my hair and shave my pits. I’ll just use the shampoos and creams I already have a-plenty instead of buying new ones

h. one coffee out per week, if that. I’ve got a nespresso machine and a dolce gusto one, I’ve got a moka pot, a french press, I can do drip, I can do dalgona. I can even do matcha almond latte, despite the ridiculous price of both matcha and almond milk. It would – OH REALLY – still be cheaper than getting a matcha almond latte in a coffee shop. The price of two coffees out is enough to cover 200g of good beans or ground coffee. Two more coffees out, and I’ve covered 3.5L milk I need to make my lattes. It’s basic maths. I know how it works, I just don’t do it.

i. make a meal plan and grocery shop once a week. It may have to be two-three runs to different shops (see point 3.f.), but it should be done in one day

4. Record all income and all expenditure with obsessive detail

a. keep a private hand-written notebook
b. do a graph of income, outcome, and eventually savings to get an overview of a longer period
c. do public audits of various points of this list here on the blog

5. Use cash for everything but bills and regular payments that are easier to just schedule via online banking.

6. Leave card at home.

7. Only take money that I intend to spend that day with me.

8. Increase income by doing one or all of the following

a. tutoring English and Spanish
b. Tarot readings
c. photo and illustration selling via RedBubble
d. book cover designs via seller platforms
e. any paid overtime that might be thrown out at work
f. product photography for local businesses; see if I can get some portrait gigs as well

9. Keep myself busy and keep the dopamine coming with something useful

a. keep up with this blog
b. start vlogging again
c. maintain Spanish and Romanian
d. get to a comfortable level of German
e. faster progress in Korean and Japanese
f. piano practice
g. Skillshare classes for whatever sudden interest I get, e.g. woodburning
h. journal the fuck out of my days etc. I LOVE keeping notebooks
i. take walks to take photos to sell and also to bring that blood pressure and weight down.
j. write and illustrate my magnum opus

10. Get back to zero waste principles

a. take good care of the things I own
b. eradicate food waste
c. shop second-hand for anything I actually need
d. mend clothes
e. see if I can use something I already own for this or that task instead of immediately rushing out to buy

I may or may not come back to this post to edit various points, but likely I will just extrapolate on the matter in other posts.

Lists Reading

what I’m reading; Q4 2023

As I have mentioned in this post, I’ve always read more than one book at a time. My ‘sweet spot’ is around 10 books, not including daily devotionals, textbooks, and several – plenty – “text with pictures” (comics, manga, webtoons, etc.). However, sometimes I lose sight of that “sweet spot”, and end up starting 60 books at the same time. Not even exaggerating. I mean, the list below is an honest one.

My usual method of prioritisation is to knock out the ones that are closer to being done. Once the books have all about the same amount of pages left in them, I just randomly pick one, because if I concentrate too much on the choice, I go into a stupour and get no reading done at all. If I am not in the mood for a story, I’ll choose non-fiction.

I separated this list into four categories – ebooks, paper books, audiobooks, and ‘text with pictures’. Other than that there’s no rhyme or reason. I just wanted a public record of it. I think I’ll also make a similar list for the shows (which will be shorter), and moving forward I’ll post an updated list for both books and shows every quarter. This time I omitted derivative works (doujinshi; fanfiction), because there isn’t anything long that I’m reading in that department, so I usually finish them in one go. I also haven’t included any textbooks or workbooks, because obviously those would be ongoing if I’m currently studying something.

Once more: There’s absolutely no order to this madness. I read in several languages, too. The list is in English for convenience.

(Links are Amazon affiliate links. I am currently earning no commission, but I would like to get to the earning point.)

(Before we go any further: I’m an adult who reads things intended for adults. I do not provide ratings here, but proceed with caution, and verify you’re of age in your territory. Also, some subjects may be triggering. I do not provide content warnings either.)

ebooks, mostly Kindle

I have two e-readers, both old generation. Lately, though, I’ve mostly been reading on my phone, and also on my monitor at work.

  1. Your Money or Your Life; Vicki Robin
  2. Confessions of a Sociopath; M.E. Thomas
  3. Daily Magic; Judika Iles
  4. Religion and the Decline of Magic; Keith Thomas
  5. The Body in the Dales; J.R. Ellis
  6. The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes; Suzanne Collins
  7. Traditional Witchcraft for Urban Living; Melusine Draco
  8. Shadow of Night; Debora Harkness
  9. 2022 Witches Companion
  10. The Duke & I; Julia Quin
  11. Happier at Home; Gretchen Rubin
  12. Wintering; Katherine May
  13. The Spell Book of a Wicked Witch; Thalia Thorne
  14. Meghan and Harry; Lady Colin Campbell
  15. Hoodoo Book of Spells for Beginners; Layla Moon
  16. Green Witchcraft for the Kitchen Witch; Misty Kinsman
  17. Think and Grow Rich; Napoleon Hill
  18. Daily Joy
  19. Witchcraft for the Home; Mystic Dylan
  20. The Daily Stoic; Ryan Holid
  21. Everyday Witchcraft; Deborah Blake
  22. Everyday Food in War Time; Mary Swartz Rose
  23. Women; Charles Bukowski
  24. Hide in Plain Sight; Marta Perry
  25. The Goddess is in the Details; Deborah Blake

Paper Books

  1. Slow Boat to China; Haruki Murakami
  2. 100 Years of Solitude; Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  3. Triptych; Karin Slaughter
  4. My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She’s Sorry; Fredrik Backman
  5. The Girl on the Train; Paula Hawkins
  6. The Secret; Rhonda Byrne
  7. Stardust; Neil Gaiman
  8. Modern Girl’s Guide to Working 9 to 5; Ada Adverse
  9. A Life on Our Planet; David Attenborough
  10. Dandelion Wine; Ray Bradbury
  11. The Door into Summer; Robert A. Heinlein
  12. Broken Homes; Ben Aaronovitch
  13. What Could Possibly Go Wrong; Jeremy Clarkson
  14. Second Chance for a First Impression – a Coco Chanel biograhy
  15. Cozy; Isabel Gillies
  16. The Kitchen Diaries; Nigel Slater
  17. The Ink Black Heart; Robert Galbraith
  18. Selected Poems; Rabindranath Tagore
  19. The Setting Sun; Osamu Dazai
  20. To Let; John Galsworthy

That’s not all of them, but others I’m just about 10-15 pages in, so I won’t count them as “currently reading” for the sake of this post.

Audiobooks & Podcasts

This is the smallest list of all – basically, not a list – because I don’t really do audiobooks. I pick a random one to accompany me when I’m cleaning or doing some menial tasks, but other than that I read with me eyes. I’m not very good at processing audible information, my mind’s too easily distracted from listening unless my hands are moving.

  1. Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe; Fannie Flagg

Text with Pictures

Here, I have left a comment if the series is completed or ongoing, and for ongoing I also noted if I’m catching up to the current chapter, or if I’m just reading as new chapters are getting published. For manga, I usually read new chapters whenever they’re published as a volume. For webtoons, if I started it in early stages, then I’ll probably read it whenever a new chapter goes out. Sometimes I wait until there are several chapters published and we have at least some resolution to an overly dramatic arc – or I just want to have a longer reading session, and one episode doesn’t do it for me. If the story has been going on for a while or is completed, but it’s a recent discovery for me, it might take me a while to catch up, because I try to read legally as much as possible (sometimes it is honestly not possible because of the territory I’m in), and if I were to catch up on ALL THE STORIES, I – and most importantly, my cats – would have nothing to eat.

  1. Wild Eyes – completed; catching up
  2. Blind Play – completed; catching up
  3. Honey Trouble – ongoing; catching up
  4. The Oiran Marionette – ongoing; catching up
  5. Doppio Senso – ongoing; catching up
  6. 29 Years Old, Single, Living with the CEO – completed; catching up
  7. Mad Place – ongoing; catching up
  8. Heart Racer – ongoing; catching up
  9. Penthouse XXX – completed; catching up
  10. Pearl Boy – completed; catching up
  11. One Small Step – completed; catching up
  12. BJ Alex – completed; catching up
  13. Low Tide in Twilight – ongoing; season hiatus; caught up
  14. Shutline – ongoing; catching up
  15. The Beast Must Die – completed; catching up
  16. Love Me Not – ongoing; catching up
  17. The Ghost’s Nocturne – ongoing; catching up
  18. Smyrna and Capri – ongoing; catching up
  19. The Unquenchable Mr Kim – completed; catching up
  20. The Dangerous Convenience Store – ongoing; catching up
  21. Cover-up – completed; catching up
  22. Kill Me if You Can – ongoing; catching up
  23. Full Volume – side stories ongoing, catching up; main story completed, caught up
  24. Between the Lines – ongoing; catching up
  25. House of Desire – ongoing; catching up
  26. Painter of the Night – completed (? author teased possible fifth season <3); catching up
  27. Limited Run – ongoing; catching up
  28. The Third Perspective – completed; catching up
  29. Steel Under Silk – ongoing; catching up
  30. Speak of the Devil – ongoing; catching up
  31. Payback – ongoing; caught up
  32. Beasts of Desire – ongoing; catching up
  33. Mary Jane – ongoing; catching up
  34. Jinx – ongoing; caught up
  35. Yours to Claim – ongoing; catching up
  36. Winter Wolf – ongoing; caught up
  37. Placebo – ongoing; caught up
  38. Define the Relationship – ongoing; caught up
  39. Cry Me a River – ongoing; caught up
  40. Beware the Ides of March – ongoing; season hiatus; caught up
  41. Instant Family – ongoing; caught up
  42. Opposites Attract – ongoing; catching up
  43. Love History Caused By Willful Negligence – ongoing; caught up
  44. Yakuza in Love – completed; catching up
  45. Lifeless Man – completed; catching up
  46. No Reason – completed; catching up
  47. Carry Me to Paradise – ongoing; catching up
  48. Love On My Terms – completed; catching up
  49. Love Level Up – long hiatus; catching up
  50. Legs That Won’t Walk – ongoing; catching up
  51. Matchstick 20 – completed; catching up
  52. Business Performance – ongoing; catching up
  53. Lady K and the Sick Man – completed; catching up
  54. Under the Oak Tree – ongoing; caught up
  55. Jujutsu Kaisen – ongoing; catching up
  56. Tokyo Ghoul – completed; catching up
  57. Sailormoon – completed; reread (this is my ‘security blanket’ of a story, I often rewatch or reread it)
  58. NANA – long-ass hiatus; reread
  59. Love and Let Lie – ongoing; catching up
  60. Oh! My Assistant – completed; catching up
  61. The Duke and the Tutor – completed; catching up
  62. Under the Green Light – ongoing; catching up
  63. Tadano Renai Nanka de Kikkonai – completed (I think); catching up
  64. The Way of the House Husband – ongoing; catching up
  65. The Boy and the Wolf – ongoing; catching up
  66. Lend Me Your Lips – ongoing; catching up

worth celebrating.

7/11 was the day I finally laid out some groundwork for a story that’s been living in my head rent-free for years. Possibly decades. Surely it has mutated greatly throughout, but the core concept is the same. Obviously three pages of rough scene order, short character profiles, and barely fleshed out plot idea do not a story finish, but I am happy that I was able to make myself put something out of my head and into a google doc.

And that’s it for this post, really. I just wanted to mark this momentous occasion somehow. Now I gots to go shower and pray to mister Sandman, Hypnos/Somnus, Morpheus, and the whole lot of the merry Oneiroi that I fall asleep reasonably quickly, wake up easily, wake up at all, and not miss my appointment again.